I've finished 12 pages of my research paper tonight. In case you didn't know, I'm writing about the time series analysis of monthly mortality data from pneumonia and influenza. No that's not the working title of it lol. I've still got about a section and a half to do and I need to compile a list of resources. And if you didn't know, I'm writing this article in LaTex
On a different note, I'm really really enjoying his company. It's slightly frustrating that because of the slight distance I can't see him when I want to but on the other hand, I kinda like that too.
I can't wait for Friday so I can let my left brain rest for a little while.
I'm also putting in a lot of prayers to the boss upstairs about helping me with my financial issues at the moment. I'd really like to make enough to pay my rent for May and pay the rest of my tuition.
Time for sleep. I'm almost giddy with the idea that the semester is almost over....