So I'm sitting there, in the dark cause we're doing an optics lab, and I'm writing really slow. It was a quick lab, I should have been out of there in 30 minutes but for some reason my brain just didn't want to keep up with the guys. We have a new lab partner and when I asked a question she explained it to me. 5 minutes later, I'm asking the same question. I felt stupid but, bless her heart, she didn't seem frustrated with me at all and continued to try and explain it to me.
I was getting so flipping frustrated with myself because it should have been really easy. I mean, I've done this stuff before but it just wasn't registering with me. I felt my eyes start to water and just pretended I understood so we could move on. Thankfully, Michael is extremely patient with me and understands what I need so he just wrote the equations down for me and I copied them. Then he stayed another 10 or 15 minutes after to help me finish getting my data and catching up ... after our other 2 lab partners had left. I love him. I'm so sad that we won't have any more classes together anymore.
Then I go to financial aide to make sure I'm going to get money to go to school this summer. Well I am...but it's not even enough to pay for my 2 classes that I'm signed up for. So I have to come up with about $500 to pay for classes plus my summer rent...because I found out that I can't get out of my housing contract until August. So not only do I have to find a job that will pay me enough to pay for all of this while working part time and also working with my schedule when I start my research internship in June but I have to figure out how we're going to get Victoria into the apartment in June without me being able to help out.

I'm sure we could wait till August, but the manager said she wasn't sure any apartments would be open in August for us. They have one opening in June and we were going to take that one....until all these things got thrown up in my face.
On the plus side! I got to help the leech with his science fair project. He's measuring the distance a Hot Wheels car slides on different surfaces (wood floor, carpet, cement, grass) when released from a ramp. We did the wood floor and carpet tonight. I think we'll have to redo the carpet at Victoria's though, just so I can get a better picture. The outside distances we'll do hopefully tomorrow or Friday when it dries up outside. Can you believe we had HAIL today?! It's crazy.

We won our first softball game yesterday (that's me, #13!). It was pretty exciting! It was officially 13-9, but we actually had 16. Someone in the score-box screwed up. I'm not complaining at all...I just like to be correct. We went out to Dairy Queen afterwords. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait for next week's game! Maybe I'll actually catch the balls that come my way lol. I dropped the 2 that did yesterday. It was a bit frustrating.
I know my blog isn't read by many...but if you would do me a favor and say a little prayer for me that everything works out without much trouble. I'd really appreciate it.
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