My Style

| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 | 0 comments |
Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Explorer

21% Elegant,  31% Technological,  37% Historical,  56% Adventurous and  46% Playful!
You are the Explorer, the embodiment of steampunk’s adventuring spirit.  For you, clothing should be rugged and reliable, and just as functional as it is attractive.  You probably prefer khaki or leather, and your accessories are as likely to include weapons as technological gizmos.  You probably wear boots and gloves, and maybe a pith helmet.  Most of what you wear is functional, and if you happen to wear goggles people had better believe that you use them.  In addition to Victorian exploration gear, your outfit probably includes little knickknacks from your various travels.  Above all, you are a charming blend of rugged Victorian daring and exotic curiosity.

Try our other Steampunk test here.
Take The Steampunk Style Test at HelloQuizzy

I'm Afraid..

of going to sleep...because apparently I might miss something.  Ugh.  I could have fallen asleep 4 hours ago because I was tired, but I didn't.  Why?  Hellfire if I know!  Maybe I should start reading again before bed.  Oh I miss the days when I was tired of my computer.  You remember don't you?  The days when I spent so much time here for school I shunned it all when the semester ended.  Oh those days will be here soon.  In the meantime, I have to get myself unbored.  You see, when I'm bored then I get in a rut and I don't want to do anything or go anywhere or see anyone or any variation of anything.

I need to start reading to the leech at bedtime again.  We're halfway through Alice's Adventures.  I love Lewis Carroll (aka Charles Dodson).  He made math whimsical and fun for everyone.  I also love this book.  It gives a brief history of his mathematical life and a chronology of his work.

Well, I guess there's not much more to say is there.  Maybe I should go write that essay tonight and get it out of the way.  You know...since I'm up and everything.  Then if I get that done I can either go to bed or rewatch the pilot episode of Doctor Who.  Hmm, it's tempting to skip the essay lol...ugh, I'm terrible!!!

The End of Time

| Monday, July 26, 2010 | 0 comments |
Ok, that's a little dramatic...but you know me!  As you can see it's been about 2 months since I've posted anything.  I suppose I should fill you in on everything huh?  Let's see...

Not really much happened here except for the end of the semester...which I didn't do as well as I wanted.  Don't get me wrong, I passed everything...but I didn't do well enough to pull my GPA up back where it's supposed to be.  Continued with the softball and kicked a lot of butt.  The team really improved so much.  The leech broke his glasses and I found out I wouldn't have enough money to bring my monkey home for the summer.

I started the McNair internship.  It was pretty rough....not in any way that would imply that it was difficult, because it wasn't...but it was Monday thru Friday from 8am - 4:30pm for 8 weeks.  There were projects and papers due almost every day.  When I got home, I was up till 11pm almost every night working on homework.  I didn't even have time to enjoy the heat outside.  My tan this year is pretty much a failure.  The softball team went into the tournament and came in 4th.  Not bad for a group of people who'd never played together before...and a couple of us who'd never played before at all (ie, me!).

First half of the month went well.  I got into a rhythm with the internship.  I became fast friends with the other 18 people in my cohort.  I definitely couldn't have made it through without the lot of them.  Then, on the 10th I started having some pain in my abdomen.  I dealt with it like I normally do...till after dinner, when the pain got so bad I starting throwing up...and didn't stop.  Victoria took me to the emergency room.  16 hours later, they admitted me.  I got a regular CT scan which showed a small bowel they stuck an NG tube up my nose to pour contrast dye in my stomach to get a better picture.  4 cups later and I started throwing up.  Then I got another CT.

After the 2nd CT they decided that it wasn't a small bowel obstruction and was probably 4 cysts on my ovary.  They did a vaginal ultrasound to confirm..but they couldn't really tell.  On the 13th the doctor and I decided that she was going to go in laprascopically to find out what was wrong.  They preped me for surgery and told me that they either wouldn't find anything, they'd find cysts (which they couldn't do anything about), or they'd have to remove either one or both of my ovaries.

When I woke up the doctor told me that she had to remove my left ovary and fallopian tube.  Apparently my fallopian tube had filled with so much fluid that it was the size of a small intestine...and had wrapped around my ovary a couple of times (thus what they thought were the cysts).  She was pretty amazed that I hadn't been in pain before because this, apparently, was something that happens over the course of a year.  The only continual pain I'd been having was the pulled muscle on the lower right side of my back (which, coincidentally, is gone now btw).

So they released me the next day and I went hope with wonderful narcotics....and then I started throwing up and didn't stop.  I went back to the ER on the 18th and after a couple of hours, some more medicine, and a group of male doctors poking on my already very sore stomach, they decided that it was the narcotics that were making me sick because I don't normally take medicines.  They told me to stop taking them and I went home.  Wouldn't you know, but it worked.  Thankfully, and now I've got 1 day left of my 2 weeks of bed rest.  I go in for my post-surgical follow up on Weds and hopefully she'll say I'm fine.

I feel fine now.  Oh, alright, I'm still tired and sore and I wear out easily...but every day I get a little bit closer back to my old self.  Frankly, I've been bored ... the only thing that's saved me has been reawakening my love of The Doctor.  I'd forgotten all about the show....and I just spent the last week watching every single episode and movies of the newer series.  I'm in lust with David Tennant, the 10th Doctor...but who isn't?  He's a beautiful man.

I was a little worried about the change to Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.  Here's my take on it...he's a good actor, but David Tennant is flat out brilliant.  The best thing to come out of Series 5 is Arthur Darvill.  He's another beautiful man...and he's a damned good actor.  Funny but he's my favorite out of Series 5.  Karen Gillan was okay...I'm going to interject here and say that I'm glad they didn't try and have her fall in love with The Doctor.  It was very awkward when Martha Jones did it.  Donna Nobel was definitely my favorite companion of The Doctor's of all time.  She was brilliant..both the character and the actress.  I really hope to see more of her in the future.  Anywho, back to Arthur...rawr....I mean really, what else is there to say?

I s'pose I've been writing a lot today.  I wonder when I'll come back to write more?  Oh, I've been crocheting a lot...but I ran out of yarn.  That's not really a good thing to do.  And now, there are more words in my head but I can't really put them in the correct order...or even enough to make sense out of them so I'll sod off for now.

G'bye you lot!