Why is it...

| Monday, September 5, 2011 | 0 comments |
...that whenever I open up this silly new post window, everything I've wanted to say ends up flying out the window???

Maybe because my brain can't function under extreme exhaustion.

To bed with me.  Tomorrow is a long day.  Another doctor appointment - this time to have a growth removed, a lunch date with an old friend, and then I need to start working on my papers that are due next week and get ready for tomorrow's class.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I graduated?  Yeah, I did.  It was pretty awesome.  My family all came in from across the US just to see me finally graduate.  Only took 10 years but that chapter of my life is over.  I ended up 2 classes short of a Statistics degree so I had to settle for a General Studies degree.  I also didn't get into the Biostatistics program that I wanted but as a last minute entry, I was conditionally accepted into the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program.  Yay me!  I only have to get at least a B in all 3 of the classes I'm taking this semester and see the writing tutor for every writing assignment I have (which is one a week thanks to my Juvenile Justice class).

Things aren't so bad so far.  The only exam I have is 1 midterm, but there are a lot of papers to write and we all know I haven't the foggiest idea how to do those.  I'll be okay though, I just need to figure out how to do this.

Anywho, gotta hit the bed.  I just wanted to at least get in an update.

Here's a really cool random photo for you.