
| Friday, November 21, 2008 | |

Is it totally awful that I'm excited to be done with this semester?  Not that I don't totally enjoy myself in school...I just think that Anatomy is the devil.  Well, my teacher to be exact.  As long as I don't completely fail my next exam and the two finals in there, I should manage to squeek by with a decent C and while that doesn't normally make me happy enough to celebrate, I'm willing to host a party for that.  It means that I'm done with that class and that it didn't fudge up my overall GPA horrendously.  I refuse to take another semester of it so next year I'm doing Physics...(which I actually should have done anyway but I had a previous traumatic experience with it that Anatomy has cured me of).

Next semester though!  I have 3 math classes and biology....and this makes me orgasmic.  What classes do I have you ask?  Well I'll tell you!  Calc 2, Linear Algebra, and Mathematical Computations.  I may actually pick up one more class because I'm really ready to be done with my Bachelor's as quick as possible.  I've got 8 years of school behind me now and 5-6 more ahead of me for my Doctorate....I'm anxious to move on to my next step.

Plus, next semester I get to study less words and more numbers....and that's what it's all about! :)