| Thursday, February 10, 2011 | |
Apparently we're blaming all of our troubles on him for the next week or so.  For example:  "I have a test in 45 minutes and instead of studying I'm surfing the interwebs....DINKLEBURG!!!!"

Other than that, there's been a lot going on.  I feel, once again, that I have to step up and do other people's jobs and I hate it.  I know there are other people who could be doing this...like the person who's job it is to do it.  I'm not going to go on more about it right now...what I keep reminding myself is that I only have 2.5 more months before I graduate (dear Lord, is it really that short amount of time!?  This is the first time I actually counted the months *sweat*) and then I'll (hopefully) be a grad student and alumni and won't have all these responsibilities on my shoulders...they'll belong to someone else...right?

And now I have 15 minutes before my exam...where did the time go???  Ugh, time to leave you.