Reflections of the last 35 years

| Friday, February 11, 2011 | |
So in 9 days I'll officially be halfway to 70 and I figured that I'd leave some sage advice for my younger friends.

  • You remember that movie, He's Just Not That Into You?  While it was a wonderfully cute, feel-good movie , the message is still there and for God's sake, listen!
    • "So trust me when I say if a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit. No exceptions."
    • "If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what."
  • Stop whining about how you can never meet the right person.  You attract what you believe yourself to be.  If you have low self-esteem, you're going to attract people who take advantage of that.  I don't care how nice of a guy you are, if you don't believe that you deserve the love of a good woman, all you're going to attract are mental cases and you're going to end up alone.
  • We're all users. Every relationship is based on how much we use the other person.  In healthy relationships the is an equal amount of give and take.  All parties are in agreement in what they allow the other person to use them for.  Case in point:
    • Husband and Stay-At-Home-Mom.  Wife uses husband for security in the form of money, shelter, insurance, etc..  Husband uses wife to keep house clean, look after kids, socialization with the neighbors that he may not normally be able to do, a pretty face on his arm at the bosses dinner.  They both use each other for sex and emotional comforting.
  • Life is a hard uphill ride with lots of rocks and other varying degrees of obstacles.  You can either sit it out and bitch about how you can't get around that particular bullshit in your path at the moment or you can stfu and get over it.  Realize that you're not the only one who suffers.  And hey, guess what?  Your shit isn't near as bad as the person next to you and I guarantee that they bear their burdens quietly.
  • You can't fix stupid.  I've tried.  Don't bother.  Just ignore it.
  • It doesn't matter if God exists or not.  No one can prove or disprove it.  Oh sure, they can "kind of" prove or disprove it, but there's nothing out there 100% saying there is or isn't a God.  I mean, short of God him(her)self coming down and calling us all imbeciles for doubting, I doubt we can ever really know the truth of God's existence.  That's the point though.  Faith isn't about's about believing in the possibility of something.  If you take away someone's faith, you take away their hope and without hope we're nothing but empty shells walking around polluting the Earth.
  • It takes an enormous amount of courage to get out of bed every day to face the unknown.  Sure there might be things in your life that are 'normal' and happen every day.  Like kissing your kids good morning or having your morning coffee with your significant other, or even that fight with your husband because yet again he left the toilet seat up last night and when you got up in the middle of the night to pee, you sat down on the toilet without checking.  Ignoring the things that you know will happen...what if today is the day that you find out you have cancer?  What if today your child falls out of the tree and breaks a bone?  What if today you find out that your wife of the last 25 years, whom you love more than life itself, was cheating on you....and gave you H.I.V.?  What if today you lose your job?  What if today is the day you get addicted to cocaine?  What if...God is the day you fall in love?
  • Self-help books are great...but they only tell you what you already know.  Use common sense.  Listen to your parents.  Have faith in yourself.  Trust in your body.  Surround yourself with people who truly love and respect you.
  • I don't care what you've been told...there are ugly babies.  
  • Don't lie.  It makes you ugly, it hurts people, and it's a complete waste of time.  Along these same lines, don't steal.  You don't need anything you can't get on your own.  If there is, by some chance, something you need that you can't get ... ask for it.  We're so afraid of rejection that we'd rather be seen as thieves and liars instead of an honest people who just need a bit of help.
  • Stop dwelling on things.  It won't do anything but give you an ulcer and prevent you from living your life.  Quite frankly, it might also be the reason you're alone.  
  • Practice good personal hygiene.  I promise, no one wants to smell your halitosis breath. If you're going to be giving hugs to short people.  Please don't stick their face in your armpits, even if you use deodorant (but please still use deodorant!!!).
  • Get your priorities straight.  Nothing in life...I mean more important than family.  Not your job, not your education, not the computer, not video games, not your high-tech cell phone.  Nothing.  
  • Get over the stupid shit.  God don't like ugly.
  • Mental Illness is not something that people choose to have.  It can be debilitating not only to the person who has it but also to their family and friends.  It's not contagious so stop being an ass about it.
  • Being gay isn't contagious either.  Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they want to have sex with you...nor does it make them a pedophile.  Stop being an ass.
  • Being an ass is contagious.  So stop.
  • Sex is natural and healthy and fun.  Oh Lord, is fun.  It's also nothing like you see on T.V. or in pornos (trust me, I've seen a lot).  It's loud and messy and can even be uncomfortable depending on where you're at or what position you're currently in.  Your legs and arms get tired.  You sweat.  Your body makes noises that you would normally be really embarrassed about.  Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have a marathon session.  10-20 minutes is good.  Having sex for more than 20 minutes is like running a marathon...with leg weights...and an ax murderer chasing after you.  It's just not natural!
  • There is a difference between making love, having sex, and fucking and you can do all three in the same session.  They're all healthy and normal and doing one more than the others is long as all parties agree.
  • Be happy with who you are.  Experiment.  Live.  Love.  Laugh.  Learn from your mistakes.  Grow.
  • Use your words.  Communication is one of the most valuable tools in this life.  Figure out how to do it properly.
  • The most precious gift you can give to someone is your time.
  • You don't get to choose who you love, or how many you love.  Just be grateful for being able to feel it.
  • The holy trinity of healthy relationships:  Trust, Honesty, Respect.
  • Our kids are smarter than we give them credit for.  We should stop talking at them and start listening to them.
One more thing....

Suck it.